Technician help & FAQs

We hire you as independent contractor based on Form-1099.

You'll get a percentage of the payment for the job you do. This percentage share varies with the time and demand. We usually set 25% of the sale for advertising and managemnet, but it has been observed that it reaches upto 35-40% of our sale. If that happens, we'll change the percentage accordingly.

For new technicians, we start the share as 75:30, meaning that you'll have to get 70% of the payment for a job and 30% will be kept aside for Clean N Shine LLC. But as soon we get stable customers in your area, and your schedule gets smooth, then we will reduce our part to 25%.

We expect that you should have your own equipments and supplies for the work. But if you don't have it,that's still Okay. We may offer you certain equipments for rent, like, we give you the hot water extractor and other necessary tools and charge you for that accordingly. But keep in mind that you must return those equipments to us as soon you stop working with us or whenever we ask you to return it.

You must provide us with your availabilities and update your schedule as soon you change your plans, otherwise, you won't be assigned any job.

You must either complete the job Or report us any emergency.

You shoudn't treat the customer as if it was yours, instead, you must follow proper channel for cancelling, rescheduling the appointment or changing the prices or plans.

Legal Requirements:

  • You must verify your employment eligibility in the United States of America.
  • — You may provide us with any of the following.
    • U.S Passport (U.S Passport Card)
    • U.S Permanent Resident Card (Form I-551)
    • Employment Authorization Document (Form I-766)
    • Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
    • See form W-9 for more details.
  • You'll have to provide us with your social security info.
  • — We will run a background check on your social.
  • We also ask for your driving license (DL) info
  • — As we provide mobile detailing services and you'll have to go to the customers' houses for the jobs, so, you must have a valid driving license to accomplish the task.
  • You'll receive a 1099-NEC at the end of the year if your income is more than or equal to $600.
  • — This is required by IRS and contains info about your income with the employer.
Note: These documents must not be expired.

Working as a business as same as working as an individual except that you as a business owner have different legal requirements and that you can have some employees who may accomplish the tasks on behalf of your company. Our plat-form provides you additional options for controlling your employees, and forwarding them the jobs we assign to your company.

As similar to individuals, we hire your company as independent contractor , based on Form-1099.

You'll get a percentage of the payment for the job you or your employee do for us. This percentage share varies with the time and demand. We usually set 25% of the sale for advertising and managemnet, but it has been observed that it reaches upto 35-40% of our sale. If that happens, we'll change the percentage accordingly.

For new technicians, we start the share as 75:30, meaning that you'll have to get 70% of the payment for a job and 30% will be kept aside for Clean N Shine LLC. But as soon we get stable customers in your area, and your schedule gets smooth, then we will reduce our part to 25%.

We expect that you should have your own equipments and supplies for the work. But if you don't have it,that's still Okay. We may offer you certain equipments for rent, like, we give you the hot water extractor and other necessary tools and charge you for that accordingly. But keep in mind that you must return those equipments to us as soon you stop working with us or whenever we ask you to return it.

You must provide us with your availabilities and update your schedule as soon you change your plans, otherwise, you won't be assigned any job.

You must either complete the job Or report us any emergency.

You shoudn't treat the customer as if it was yours, instead, you must follow proper channel for cancelling, rescheduling the appointment or changing the prices or plans.

Legal Requirements:

  • You must verify that you have a registered business in the United States of America.
  • — This requires a TIN or EIN. See form W-9 for more details.
  • We require you to provide us with a guarantor of the business.
  • — This is usually the owner, or the manager of the business. We'll need the info of the guarantor for any legal decumentations whenever required.
  • You'll receive a 1099-NEC at the end of the year if your income is more than or equal to $600.
  • — This is required by IRS and contains info about your income with the employer.

    Note: You must verify and track your employee by your own.

    As a 3rd party employee, you dont share any legal ties with us. We consider you as a facilitator of your employer. Your employer has to pass you through all the legal requirements, or any applicable contract.

    Also, you do the detailing jobs on behalf of your employer, and get paid by your employer. We dont control how much and how they pay you.

    You must verify your phone number to register an account with us, and then must verify your employement with your employer.

    You can reach our team at any of the following, our agent will be right with you. Please, be noted that we prefer text communication.

    Initiate text communication with us on the phone   here
    Initiate text communication with us on Facebook messenger   here

    Go to Contact us block and contact us on Facebook or on the Phone. Our team will refer you to our management, and our management will reach to you ASAP.
    Please, be noted that you will have to notify us about any upgrade or downgrade of the plan, or for any addtional item or time being added to the plan.
    Quick detail

    This is one of our low cost services and we expect you to focus on the dirtiest parts the most. We dont require you to dig into deep details. Just try to make things better. You are not required to do a full detail, and can finish up as soon your time is up.

    Please be noted that some customers choose this service for general detail, for a car thats in good shape. If thats the case then you are requested to do a good vacuuming, clean the seats, and condition leather seats whenever possible or required, wipe-down the dash, cup-holders and door panels.

    Great service tip:
    Conditioning vinyl and leather in the interior makes the car look brand-new again, so, always go for conditioning if you have some time left or got some extra mins.

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    Standard detail

    We expect you to do a good vacuuming on the floor. Spraying some water with the help of hot water extractor and then vacuuming gives the ideal results. If the floor is relatively bad then go for shampooing as well.
    Shampoo the seats, if cloth or vacuum and wipe-down the leather seats.
    Clean and wipe-down the doors, dash and cup-holders. Must do the door jambs. Then do a good conditioning on the dash, cup-holders, door panels and leather seats (if any).
    Give a touch to the headliner if possible, but its not mandatory.
    Wipe-down the windows and windshields.

    Great service tip:
    When you spray water and chemicals on the cloth seats and then scrub it with rotary brushes, then the shampooing becomes very effective and can save your time. This is also true for carpet.

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    Good pet

    Start with collecting hair with hair removal tools, then vacuum the collected hair. Then, do a harder scrub (with the hair removal tool) to collect any remaining hair. Vacuum again, and then do a possible light-duty shampooing.
    Wipe-down dashboard, doors, and cup-holders. Possibly polish (do conditioning) the dash , cup-holders and door panels.
    Finally, wipe-down the windows.

    Please, remember that this service is not ideal for vehicles bad on pet hair. If thats the case then ask for a possible upgrade. Contact Clean N Shine LLC for any possible plan change.

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    Basic detail

    Do vacuuming, wipe down the surface. Remove light stains with wet towel and chemicals, ask for upgrade if the stains cant be removed easily. Dont forget to polish (conditioning) the vinyl and leather. Of course, windows and windshields.

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